Engagement & Wellbeing

Respectful Relationships

Grades 1-6 will be learning about four of the Respectful Relationships topics this year: Stress Management, Help Seeking, Gender and Identity and Positive Gender Relations. Students are starting Term 1 with Stress Management where they will be learning positive approaches to stress management. Students will learn to recognise their personal signs and symptoms of stress, and develop strategies that will help us to deal with stress effectively to help them cope with future challenges.


The Preps complete each of the 8 topics throughout the year. In Term 1, we have started with Emotional Literacy where we will be working on understanding, expressing and managing our emotions. We will learn about empathy and how we can respond appropriately to the emotions of others. 


Chess Club   

Chess Club will be running again this year for students in Grades 3 - 6. It is a great opportunity both for students who already know and love the game and for those who would like to learn. Chess Club will run at lunchtime on Thursday in Mr Lidgett’s classroom, which is in the Senior Building and can be entered from the Lower Oval.


Daniel Lidgett