Linda Castle
Japanese Teacher
LOTE Corner
JLTAV Poster and Cover Competition 2023
The Japanese Language Teachers' Association of Victoria is inviting students studying Japanese in primary and secondary schools to design a poster to be used on the front cover of the 2023 JLTAV Annual Conference book for conference delegates and the front cover of the 2023 Year 12 Morning book. Students are encouraged to be creative and design a cover that reflects the Japanese language or Japanese culture. This is broad to enable students to be creative. For example, students might like to design a cover in manga style. Students can submit a digital or hand-drawn cover design. Examples from previous years are attached below. Starts Friday 27 January 2023. Entries need to be at the JLTAV office by the close of business on Thursday 2 March 2023.
2023 Model UN General Assembly Conference
Our school has been invited, in collaboration with our Sister Schools in Izumiotsu, Osaka, Japan, to participate in a unique opportunity with the United Nations Association of Australia (Victoria Division) (UNAAV). We are going to run a mock UN General Assembly Conference Day at NGSC in February 2023, with our Sister School students joining us virtually.
Students will work in small groups and act as representatives of an assigned UN member country. These delegates step into the shoes of UN ambassadors from countries around the world and discuss contentious global issues – with the aim being to find the best possible solution through dialogue, negotiation and multilateral diplomacy. Students undertake their research guided by UNAAV information packs, and create position statements. A week before the virtual event delegates view the position statement speeches (prerecorded) and delegates can collate information about questions or comments they wish to direct to other countries on the day. Interactive caucus (discussion) and amendment sessions occur on the day, moderated by an experienced acting Secretary General. Through this program, students will develop skills in advocacy, collaboration, critical thinking and global citizenship. It is a fantastic unsure. and we are really looking forward to this event. We are planning for the program to run in February 2023 and it is open to any enrolled student at NGSC.
Any students interested in participating are invited to join the Google Classroom for the program with the code: btmxk7i
Further information is available from Ms Castle (Staff room 4, C corridor) or at the lunchtime meeting on Wednesday 15 February 2023 in L1 from 12:45 pm.
Japanese Club
Japanese Club will be starting again soon.
Stay tuned to your Compass Newsfeed for updates on days, times, and activities!
Japanese Club
Japanese Club will be starting again soon.
Stay tuned to your Compass Newsfeed for updates on days, times, and activities!
Blake Fairchild
SRC 2023
If you are interested in being a part of the Student Representative Council for 2023, please see Mr Fairchild. The SRC is an amazing opportunity for you to develop your leadership skills, work closely with the 2023 School Captains and plan exciting events for the college community. You will also be a point of call for students with ideas on what they want around the college and be a positive role model. You will also be an advocate for change on how we can further improve North Geelong Secondary College. The school captains are organising a Valentine's Day stall on Tuesday, so please bring some money and have fun. We will be meeting on Thursday16 February in C3, all are welcome.
Debating 2023
If you are interested in representing the school in a debating competition for year 9-12, please see Mr Fairchild. This is a great way to make new friends, develop your public speaking skills and be a proud representative of the college. You will need to be present for 5 nights over May and June at Geelong Grammar School. Registrations close on Wednesday 15th February.