Joel McDougal
Senior Sub School Manager
Welcome to the 2023 academic year. It has been great to see students back at school and we look forward to a great year. This year there is a few tweaks within the Senior School Management team:
- Senior Sub School Assistant Anna Dementiev
- Year 11 Coordinator Darcy Cropp
- Year 11 Assistant Coordinator Rebecca Travers
- Year 12 Coordinator Sherryn Martin
- Year 12 Assistant Coordinator Aaron Milsome
- Vet Coordinators: Caroline Makin / Lauren Sulomar
- Senior Sub School Leader Joel McDougall
- Senior Sub School Principal: Paul Dawson
Please contact the relevant staff member with any questions or concerns.
Year 12
Students and staff began the year with the camp at Federation University. Students enjoyed the experience of living on campus and a variety of activities to develop leadership skills, understanding of the requirements of Year 12 and friendships. Students also heard from past students who shared their experiences post school, ranging from those who went straight into work and apprenticeships and those who attended university. As a school community we are so proud of the achievements of our alumni and the students all were appreciative of the time they took to share their experiences and advice. As a great way to finish the camp, students received their Year 12 Jumpers when they arrived back at school.
Year 11
Students in Year 11 have been welcomed to the senior school and all are undertaking the new VCE and VCE VM courses. Students have all started their VCE courses and students undertaking a VET have started their offsite courses. Some of the year 11 students have visited the inaugural multicultural youth leadership conference that included a speaker who was the 2022 Australian Youth Ambassador to the UN. Students have returned inspired and with several new goals and new ideas for North Geelong Secondary College.
All Senior Students
It is essential that all students have joined the relevant Google Classrooms for each year level and for their classes. Important information will be posted on these mediums for students to access and act on. Students will need to activate their Edrolo account to access coursework. Students will need to complete payment for these accounts by Monday 20 February 2023, in order to continue to use this resource.
Please contact Student Wellbeing if financial support is needed to make payment on this resource.