Daniel Grozdanovski
Middle Sub School Manager
Welcome back to the 2023 school year. I hope everyone had a refreshing break and is coming back to school excited for the year ahead. The Middle Sub School has some new faces this year to help support students throughout the year. If there are any questions that arise, then please contact the relevant coordinator from below.
Year 9 Coordinator - James Cowan-Clark
Year 9 Assistant Coordinator - Keir Osborne
Year 10 Coordinator - Luke Sharp
Year 10 Assistant Coordinator - Moira Nunn
Middle Sub School Leader- Daniel Grozdanovski
Sub School Assistant- Deb O’Farrell (Term One)
The Middle Sub School is here to support students navigating the challenges of Year 9 and 10. We encourage students to gain an understanding of their strengths and interests to begin mapping a career path. This is completed early in the year for Year 9 students who begin their Morrisby Profiling in Week 5. Year 10 students will complete a variety of tasks throughout the year and in particular a big focus on their Careers Week later in the year.
With the beginning of a new school year, it is important for students to get back into good learning habits and routines as fast as possible. Students should be organised and have all the following materials sorted. If students don’t have any of the items listed below, they should seek out their coordinators as we can provide assistance in accessing any of the items.
- A 2023 NGSC diary
- A timetable with all your Semester 1 subjects
- A locker and school lock
- All the required learning materials including novels and appropriate calculators
- A technological device (iPad, Chromebook or Mac) that is connected to the school server
- Your appropriate academic and PE uniform
- Access to Google Classroom pages
Student Representatives
At North Geelong we have always encouraged students to share their thoughts and ideas to make the school a better place. There is no better way to do this than applying for the Student Representative Council. Students can apply for the SRC and to also be Year Level Captains. This opportunity gives students the chance to develop their leadership skills, public speaking and provide thoughts and ideas on changes to make to the school. Students can collect applications from their relevant sub school and submit them to their coordinator.