Janelle Butler

Year 7 Coordinator


Welcome parents and students to what will be an amazing 2023. The Junior Sub-School Team hope that everyone has had a relaxing holiday and a great start to the year. There are a few housekeeping things that we need to mention to ensure that students are meeting the expectations of the school.


It is very important that the students are wearing the correct academic uniform, including black leather shoes without any logos. The PE uniform is only to be worn on days that the students are timetabled to have PE. If for whatever reason, the students are not able to wear their correct uniform, a note must be provided from the parents/guardians, or a phone call must be made to the school to explain why the students are out of uniform for that day. If there are any issues with getting the correct uniform, please contact the well-being team for assistance. The uniform policy can be found in the student's diary or on the school website. If you are not sure, please ask a member of the coordination team. 


We have seen a few piercings that are not in line with the uniform policy. The accepted piercings are ears, where students are to wear studs or sleepers, or a nostril stud. All other piercings are not accepted, and the students will be asked to remove them. 

Class Equipment

It is expected that all students are taking the correct equipment to class and not returning to their lockers during class time or in between classes. Students must be taking the following equipment to every class: a pencil case with various pens and pencils, their student diary, an exercise book, and their device. If the students have any issues with their equipment, please contact the Junior Sub School.


Mobile Phones

Unfortunately, we have seen students using their phones during school hours. As stated in Victorian law, students must place their phones in their locker before school starts and are not to access their phones until the bell at the end of the day. All the students have lockers and locks, so their phones are secure. Students are not to be contacting their parents/guardians at any time during the school day. If there is an issue or information that is required to go out to parents, the school will make contact. We appreciate your support in encouraging students to keep their phones in their lockers.

End-of-Term Activities

The end of term 1 has two exciting opportunities for both year 7 and year 8 students. The Year 7 students will have their camp which will be 4 days and three nights. The Year 8 students will be taken on an excursion to celebrate all of the hard work that they had done throughout the term. More information about these two activities will be out shortly.


We are looking forward to working with you to ensure 2023 is a positive year for everyone.