YR 7 Headspace



Jess and Megan from Headspace came to Epping Secondary College to talk to students about how stress can impact our lives, both at home and at school. One of the activities we did was box breathing. They talked about how the box breathing technique can help us relieve stress. They then told us about the stress bucket and how stress can overflow our bucket and different possibilities on how to calm down and to feel much better. Then someone (Levi) stood up and made a bucket with their arms and different people put stress in the bucket and the more stress we put in the more filled up it got. 


Megan was telling us about the five people you can talk to if you’re stressed or anxious. Some people found it very easy to come up with people to talk to, while others found it hard. Megan was also talking about how you can contact them or other services like Kids Helpline. 


Thank you to Headspace for coming in and telling us about how to relieve stress. It’s been really helpful. Also thanks to our wellbeing teachers for organising it. At the same time as it was fun it was also helpful.


By Will, Dexter, Amani, Thea and Lukas 

Teacher’s Perspective


Thanks so much to staff in supporting the Year 7 cohort while attending the Headspace presentation by Megan and Jess. The students had opportunities to share changes they’ve faced, such as moving house, moving countries, changes in their relationships, learning how to cook in school, and at home and recovering from being sick.


Thanks to Leanne, Tiffany and Georgia and our fantastic wellbeing team for organising the experience and the many ways they support our whole school student population and parent community.


Students were able to respond to and listen to ways on how to deal with stress and cope with change. The stress bucket video was followed by an activity which involved a student performing as a bucket with others throwing imaginary stresses into the bucket, like not sleeping or not knowing where their class was, friendship changes and homework 

Learning to take a break was an important discussion. Moving away from a situation or talking to somebody helps the bucket from over flowing. Jess and Megan took the students on breathing exercises. 


Students shared in pairs and to the group how they manage their stress at home. They mentioned strategies such as watching anime, laughing at funny things, watching babies laugh, playing Roblox, screaming in a pillow, having a shower, playing Minecraft and playing with their pets.


Jess and Megan mentioned it was important to mix up a variety of destressing activities. They were asked to pick 5 people they could talk to if things get tough. These included their friends, an older sibling, mum or dad, the school councillor and a therapist. Megan and Jess also mentioned teachers or coordinators, doctors, headspace or Kids’ Helpline and Lifeline.


Students were super involved and got heaps out of the session. 


Thanks to the following students for teaming up to write their version of the session to include in our college newsletter; Dexter Moylan 7A, Thea Elias 7A, Amani Ibrahim 7A, Will Prictor 7D and Lukas Cokuzovski 7F.