Teaching & Learning

Learning for Life in 2023
Learning for Life is our school motto and also the name of our pastoral care program in 2023 for Years 7-9. ESC recognises that the junior years are a time of development not only in academic learning but also organisational, social and emotional. Our Learning for Life curriculum has been revamped with a new focus in 2023 which is responsive to the needs of our students.
The health curriculum, which was previously taught in Learning for Life, is now taught from Years 7 to 9 in dedicated Health classes taught by our health teachers. Learning for Life classes focus on a number of areas such as our new values : Respect, Resilience and Care, study skills, goal setting, ethical and social capabilities and student voice, agency and leadership.
The program is guided and developed by the Leading Teachers at each year level to provide opportunities to tailor lessons specific to a year level's priorities and needs.
Parents can see what students are learning through the Xuno portal which shows the lessons and content each week for this program. Students engaging with this program are developing positive life lessons that develop values and skills which can be reinforced at home.
We encourage you to have discussions with your child about our school values Respect, Resilience and Care and how they can live these at school and at home.
A partnership with our parents in Learning for Life is the best way for us to develop happy, healthy, respectful, resilient and caring students together.
Joshua Wolter
Assistant Principal for Excellence in Teaching and Learning