Student News



3/4 has had another fantastic fortnight of learning. We have been looking at communities in our lives, why they are so important and how community groups can help contribute to society. In maths, we have been refining our understanding of place value up to tens of thousands and even challenging ourselves up to millions! In writing, we have been working on being independent writers throughout the writers cycle and developing our own narratives. In reading, students have learned that good readers think about their thinking. We have been using sticky notes to write down ideas about our novels as we read them. In passions we are working on different types of challenges and how to persist with a growth mindset. A lot of learning to be had!


Our 5/6 community has started our passions this year, with an exploration into team work and STEM challenges. Our students have been given the opportunity to investigate multiple challenges, including building the longest paper chain, the tallest card tower, and the trickiest of them all building a cup tower with a string pully. We are very proud of the way the students have quickly formed a community, and continue to communicate clearly with respect and kindness. Our excitement is building to see what our 5/6 students can achieve this year.