Office News



Wed 03 March: Whole School Assembly - all welcome

Mon 13 March: Labour Day - public holiday

Fri 31 March: Pupil free day - Melbourne Grand Prix

Thu 06 April:  Last day of Term 1

Mon 24 April: First day of Term 2 - Curriculum day (no students at school)

Tue 25 April:  ANZAC DAY - public holiday

Wed 26 April: First day Term 2 for students



Term 1: 30 Jan - 06 Apr

Term 2: 24 Apr - 23 Jun

Term 3: 10 Jul - 15 Sep

Term 4: 02 Oct - 20 Dec



There is a daily delivery of various items for students to the office by their parents.

Library books, water bottles (there are water fountains at school), lunch, school bags, etc, etc...

We don't want to interrupt students' learning time with parents going to the classrooms, nor do we want to interrupt classes by calling students to the office.

The preference is that students start the day with what they need, but if an item is forgotten perhaps it can be a learning opportunity

It was forgotten, so do without it today and in future check bags in the morning before leaving home to make sure you are prepared for a great day of learning!


Learning doesn't just happen at school