Academic Excellence

Year 7-9 program

Challenges ahead

WELCOME back to another year of our wonderful Academic Excellence Program for Year 7 – 9 students. A large and enthusiastic group of students met early this morning to get to know each other and to learn what was in store for them this term as part of the program.


When asked why they chose to participate in the Academic Excellence Program we received a range of responses: “I want to learn some new skills”, “I want to challenge myself”, “I want to improve my problem-solving skills”, “I love STEM” and “I regret not being part of the program last year”.


The Year 7-9 students will meet weekly on Friday mornings to learn in depth about organisation, study habits and complex thinking, amongst other things. Each term students will be immersed into at least one research project where they can use their new skills. The project for this term will be based on bridges and will culminate in a SNC Bridge Building competition.


We are very excited about what lies ahead.


Homework Mentor Program

Students from Year Nine Extension classes are invited to volunteer their services to assist the Year Seven’s at Homework Help club. In return you will be given service hours. If you are interested, please email Mrs Cardenia.



All students are welcome to participate in the writing competition. Students need to write a short story or poem on any topic they wish. If you are interested, please contact Mrs Cardenia for more details.


Mrs L Cardenia

(Academic Excellence Coordinator)