Meanwhile @Steamworks

Year 7, Taylor Harris' symbol being 3D printed.

Blurr is an Alpha state VR game being created by Year9 Games and Animation students. 

When we send notes @Steamworks, we send it!!!!!!

Year 7 'Make a Difference' Prototype presentations.

Year 10 Girls PE doing Just Dance and

Beat Saber.

Level up your future skills @ Steamworks.

Mindfulness on Mars.

Rocking Steamworks swag.









We crash drones @Steamworks!

We learn from mistakes and grow @Steamworks.

VR product development presentation.

Thanks Devlin for sprucing up the entryway to Steamworks. Legend!

Stu shows Kyle the sound and feel of real drone flight.

We learn, we teach, we share, we grow.

Tony Vallance