From the Co-Principals

We continue to learn more each day about this wonderful College and the people that have contributed over the years making Kilbreda the welcoming and vibrant community it is today. For a community to flourish it requires vision and an ongoing commitment to provide a range of opportunities for its members.


On Friday 4 August, we celebrated the Inaugural Past Pupils of Distinction Dinner. The Past Pupils Network created an evening that will long be remembered in the hearts and minds of those present. It was a privilege for us to be in the company of past principals, Sisters of the Brigidine Community, past pupils, their family and friends, staff and our 2017 College Co-Captains to celebrate this event. We congratulate all nominees on their nomination and the inductees; Carol Gaston AM, Professor Judith Kinnear, Doctor Mayumi Purvis and The Honourable Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC.


All inductees expressed their gratitude to the College and recognised the significant role Kilbreda had played in supporting their development as learners and as people. Inductee Professor Judith Kinnear in concluding her acceptance speech said: “Finally, the Brigidine Sisters of Kilbreda who, over my student days, inspired in me a love of learning across many disciplines – usic, maths, history, English literature, French - and  taught me that knowledge needs to be combined with understanding and compassion.


Who were they?  Margaret Mary, Andrew, Columbanus, Carmela, Winifred, Francis, Conseulo, and, in particular, my love of science – that was to become so significant in my life and my career - began its embryonic development under the guidance of Canisius in a small outbuilding on this site.     


These Brigidine sisters, through the example of their daily lives, taught me the valuable lessons

•    that knowledge … is not wisdom,

•    that pomposity …  is not substance, and

•    that propaganda … is not truth. 


To these inspiring women, I owe a debt of gratitude”.


We hope that these inspirational women will be a reminder to our students that they too can make a difference in this world!


As a Kildare Ministries school in the Brigidine Tradition, Kilbreda College has a commitment to living our values; courage, compassion, hope, hospitality, justice and wonder. In 2004, Kilbreda established a relationship with a school community in Timor Leste. Kilbreda is committed to having a strong focus on matters of social justice and encouraging students to not only think about, but to actively work toward creating a more just and equitable society. Each year, the College community raises funds to assist with educational opportunities and facilities in local Timorese communities; in particular the remote area of Remexio. For 13 years, Year 12 students have had the opportunity to participate in an immersion program in Timor Leste as an alternative to ‘schoolies’. Through this program students experience both the richness of the culture and the impact of domestic and international policies, which perpetuate a cycle of poverty. Staff and students provide practical assistance where needed to support the most vulnerable.


We also have 29 students and four staff participating in the World Challenge Expedition to Vietnam and Cambodia. Both groups will participate in a five day Community Engagement Project in Vinh Long building housing for a local family.


We are proud of students who are answering the call to be women of action with a desire to make a difference in our world where many are struggling and living below the poverty line.


You will find included with this edition of Tower Talk information regarding Auditorium Seat Sponsorship. We hope that you will take up this opportunity to sponsor a seat, not only to help to raise funds that will assist in enhancing College facilities and learning opportunities for Kilbreda students but as a lasting reminder of your time at this great College. 


We are delighted that the Past Pupils Network is continuing to grow. We value the ongoing relationships with past pupils and express our gratitude to the Past Pupil Network committee under the leadership of Denise Leonard (Chair) for their tireless efforts to build and support this important aspect of Kilbreda College life.


We hope that Christmas is a peaceful time of joy and hope for each member of our community and their families.


Teresa Lincoln and

Nicole Mangelsdorf
