55 Year Reunion

Class of 1962
On 18 November, 16 members of the class of ’50 – ’62 met for lunch at Kilbreda. As always there was much conversation and laughter. We all appreciate the College facilities being made available for these occasions and thank the Leadership of Kilbreda for this. We are also very appreciative of Denise Leonard’s work in organising the catering, preparing the venue and presenting the appetising food. As Denise is a member of our group we have known her talents for many years but nevertheless are always in awe of the ease in which she organises our times together at Kilbreda.
Since 2013 June Gogan (formerly Miss Ralph) has joined us. In August of this year, June passed away, so this occasion was a time for remembering her presence among us. We were privileged to come to know and spend time with June as mature adults. She told us stories about her time teaching at Kilbreda and also how she met and married Tom, her beloved husband of 58 years. At lunch someone spontaneously commented that June held us spellbound when telling a story in exactly the same way she had done when she was our classroom teacher. June leaves a wonderful legacy for her family and for us who were touched by her extraordinary educative ability and her genuine friendship. Vale June Gogan!
This year it was 60 years since we began our secondary school education and there were celebrations to be recognised. A number in our group have celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversaries and we have two great grandmothers among us, as well as many grandmothers. We have come to know each other in a different way than we did at school. When we first began meeting the conversation was very much around memories of our time at Kilbreda. Now the memories are there but most conversation centres around contemporary topics both from our family life and the wider world and of course the physical development of the Kilbreda site. We thoroughly enjoy each other’s company and the dominant feeling about the times we spend together every six months is that we have FUN!
We hope there will be many more years of meeting as a class group and are always looking for others to join us. Finding classmates is not easy as almost all of us relinquished our maiden names when married. Perhaps someone will read this and realise they are part of our group. If so, please contact Denise Leonard at denise127@optusnet.com.au
Mauricette Hamilton (née Duffy)
Class of 1962