Teaching and Learning





Did you know that we reached our target of folding 1000 paper cranes to dedicate to the Sadako Monument in Hiroshima? 


The students worked very hard to fold and collect origami cranes of all shapes and sizes. They should be very proud of their efforts! ‘Arigato’ also to those families who donated those they made at home. They all helped to reach our target! 


“This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the world.”








Sports Day

Sports Day will be held this Friday 25th October, Week 2, Term 4. I hope you can all make it! Please find attached the Sports Day Program.

We’re holding a School Fun Run  Colour Day on Sport's Day on Friday, the money raised will help to pay for much needed Pool Upgrades. To date, we are significantly short of our goal and profile numbers are low. Please see the attached information sheet on how you can help fundraise.

Science News

Science has started off this term with buzzing excitement as students engage in Chemical Sciences. Rooms 7, 8 and 9 were given an ice hand, some food colouring and salt and were asked to investigate and make observations based on what they noticed and experimented with. Students asked some very insightful questions from this activity and made some interesting observations. Rooms 1-6 were asked to work out what happened to a melted ice block - how they think it melted and what caused it to be in the state it was. Room 12 have been busy working hard to complete their green screen movies on Earth and Space. Room 10 learnt about how Aboriginal Australians used their natural environment to create tools for survival by changing the states of matter of various natural materials. Rooms 11 and 14 have been working to complete and present their moon colony models and they are looking fantastic!


So far, students have been very engaged and enthusiasm levels have been high during the Science lessons they have been participating in. It has been great to see the interesting conversations students have had from their engagement in the lessons. Keep it up, West Beachies!


Lunchtime Activities in the Library

On Tuesday and Friday lunchtimes we offer activities for students in the library. This includes craft, games, Lego and (this term) knitting.

These activities provide a fun environment for children to connect, cooperate and communicate whilst expressing their creativity, making new friends and learning new skills.

We are grateful to Raelene, Judy and Kate who volunteer their time to help with this. You may have noticed the “yarn-bombing” on one of our trees. Stay tuned for more colourful creations once the knitting classes conclude at the end of the term.

- Tina and Cathy

Room 4

Who are the Gomi Busters ?


In Room 4 we have been learning about how to care for our community and environment. Some students in our class noticed that our school was sometimes looking untidy with lots of litter in the yard and on the oval, so we decided that we could be proactive and pick up the rubbish.

We took on the initiative as a class and we have called ourselves the GOMI BUSTERS.

GOMI means Rubbish in Japanese. 

Our Year 5 buddies have also helped us when we have had buddy time.

We have used some of the rubbish as a collage (see on the wall outside Room 4).

We also used the rubbish collection as a MATHS opportunity and we have made graphs from the data that we have collected. Anyone can join our Gomi buster group and hopefully we will have a clean area around our school, Everyday!