From the Principal

Term 4, Week 2, Kevin Kennedy

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Road Safety

We had a near miss last week when a student ran between two  illegally parked cars and was nearly hit by an oncoming vehicle. The child in question was running to their parents car which was also parked illegally. Please observe and obey the parking restrictions around the school. We will be placing cones in the relevant areas to draw greater attention to the issue and to highlight the need to keep our school safe.


Sport Day

Come rain, hail or shine Sports Day will be happening in some capacity this Friday. We may have to modify the program if there is some rain but many of the activities will continue. At this stage the weather forecast is for a light shower in the morning and a high of 19 degrees. Fingers crossed.


BBQ Volunteers

We are still in need of volunteers to work the BBQ. If you have some free time this Friday contact the school and we will add you to the roster.


External Review 25th, 26th and 27th November

West Beach Primary is undergoing an External School Review (ESR). All Education Department schools are required to go through this process. The review  provides an evidence-led external evaluation of a school’s capacity to continue to improve student learning. This evaluation provides directions to the school that will amplify the ongoing improvement planning work and identify further high-yield improvement opportunities. An external school review supports schools to raise student achievement and sustain improved performance.   The review team will examine school data and will speak to staff, students and parents/carers of our school community. More information about the review will be made available in the coming weeks.


2020 Class Placements

Please check Skoolbag for more information about the class placement process for 2020.


Pupil Free Day

We will be having a pupil free day on Monday  November the 11th. We will be examining our NAPLAN results, other data sets and begin planning for 2020. We will also be working on class placements. OSHC will be available on this day.


Late Arrivals

It has come to our attention that late arrivals are not signing in at the front office before going to class. It is essential that all students arriving after 9am sign in to the yellow sign in book at the front office and take a late arrival card to their teacher. Otherwise parents may receive a phone call from the school asking where your child is.



Should you have any queries or concerns please book a time to see me or pop in for a chat.


Kind regards,


Kevin Kennedy

