Leader of Pedagogy &

Literacy Coach

Leader of Pedagogy (LOP) - Genevieve Vickers 


At St Mary's, every teaching member of staff is involved in a cross-KLA Professional Learning Team (PLT). Teachers from different faculties gather for an hour each fortnight to work in teams to improve their practice and most importantly, improve their impact on student outcomes. 


This term, teachers have engaged with an “Action Research Inquiry Cycle”, where teachers chose an evidence-based “high-impact” strategy, researched the strategy and implemented it in their classes. Teachers in each team also observed each other and provided feedback to inform the next steps for the team. The strategies teachers focused on included; cooperative learning, differentiation, self/peer assessment, jigsaw method and developing metacognitive skills. 


This iterative process and support of a team allowed teachers to continue to improve the learning of students that occurs in their classes. “Collective Teacher Efficacy”, which is the collective belief of teachers in their ability to positively affect students, was also enhanced through this process. 


We have incredible teachers here at St Mary’s and observing teachers empowering each other and utilising the skills of the team has been a great privilege.


Genevieve Vickers

Leader of Pedagogy 


Literacy Coach - Kate Walshe


This term I have had the opportunity to work with staff and students with the purpose of improving subject-specific literacy skills. 




This included:

  • HSIE and Science students developed skills in structuring their writing. 
  • Year 10 Biology identified subject-specific vocabulary to incorporate within their written responses on evolution. 
  • Year 11 Studies of Religion developed their skills in extended responses by analysing an exemplar response to identify what success looks like in Stage 6 Religious Education. 
  • CAPA and RE staff have identified literacy goals to guide their focus on writing in their subject areas. 

I look forward to continuing St Mary’s focus on embedding subject-specific literacy skills and developing student writing capacity across all subject areas in Term 3.


Kate Walshe

Literacy Coach