How to Teach Kids to Love their Bodies

HCC Wellbeing Team

We know that as adults when we receive empathy and encouragement from another, we feel heard, understood, and affirmed. Recognising that this is a basic need (and learning to receive this) is part of our self-care. Isn’t this even more vital for the growing minds of our children? When we receive this, it is much easier for us to give it to our children and those around us. 


Promoting positive body image and self-worth starts with us. When we can love and care for ourselves, we model this to the young people around us. 


A positive body image means being kind to ourselves and learning to love ourselves even when we might not feel ‘great’ about ourselves because our worth and identity come from deep within us, not from our outside appearance. 


The below article (from the Butterfly Foundation) discusses and gives some more tips on how we, as parents, can model this attitude with our children by talking positively about ourselves, encouraging them in their identity, and creating space for them to talk about their feelings. 

Katie McKillop

Chaplain/HCC Wellbeing Team​