Year Three News

Week 7 and 8 Newsletter

Dear Year Three families,

We are just over the halfway point of Term Four. It’s amazing how much learning has occurred in the past few weeks, and we only have less than 20 more days together as a Year Three cohort. 



In Reading, the students have moved on from the author study of Mem Fox to non-fiction texts. We have been using short–reads to teach skills such as, 'finding the main idea, building on prior knowledge, how the author keeps our interest and the inclusion of diagrams or pictures'. This unit will take us through to the end of the year and is essential for final assessments, so we are encouraging all students to read more non-fiction texts to practise with an alternative format both at home and in Reciprocal Reading groups. 

Ivy, Kaya, Tana and Iyla
Ivy, Kaya, Tana and Iyla


In Writing, we successfully completed procedural texts and are now our students are learning about information reports. Some classes focused on Australian Wildlife, Weird Animals or Marine Creatures. The structure of an information report has been broken down into stages – writing an engaging ‘hook’ sentence to draw in the reader, introducing the topic, summarising the appearance and writing clear sub heading paragraphs for the habitat, diet and lifestyle features. 



Mathematics, we finalised our measurement unit with a few days of revision for Length, Mass, Capacity and Volume before completing our Essential Assessment test. Many students showed high growth and improvement in these areas which was very positive. After a short week learning about Chance via games with dice, cards, and spinners, next we will be learning about Division in both in the classrooms and for fluid maths groups. 

Rachel, Tana, Summer
Jun Ming and Hannah-Jane
Rachel, Tana, Summer
Jun Ming and Hannah-Jane


Year Level Attendance Award

YEE-HAR! Congratulations to the amazing 3B for winning the attendance cup in Week 7.

Henry, Liam and Miss K
Henry, Liam and Miss K


In Inquiry, your final Transdisciplinary Theme is, 'Sharing the Planet'. The students enjoyed planting flower seeds in our recent provocation day and have started to unpack the Central Idea, 'Humans contribute to thriving ecosystems'.

Week One
Week Three
Week One
Week Three


Things to look forward to:

Crocodile Park Walking Excursion - Wed 30th November. BYO lunch/no canteen available. Please ensure you go on the Xuno app to approve this excursion.

Rehearsals for Christmas Carols (Event: 14th December.


Warmest Regards,

The Year Three Team.