Middle School Report

Ms Michelle Collins

Message from the 

Director of  Learning - Middle School

- Ms Michelle Collins

Wow, Term 1 has flown by! A massive well done to all of the students and staff in the Middle School on a great term.


Although Term 2 is only 9 weeks, it will be jam packed with events and activities so make sure that you use the holiday break to get some rest and recharge your batteries! We will see you back at school on Monday, April 24th.



Earlier this term, Year 10 students were provided with the opportunity to receive their free meningococcal vaccine as part of the National Immunisation Program. 


Meningococcal disease is caused by bacteria. Although meningococcal disease is uncommon, it can become very serious, very quickly. Adolescents are at increased risk of meningococcal disease and more likely to spread the disease to others. Death can occur in up to 10 per cent of cases. Occasionally, severe infection can also occur in the joints, throat, lungs or intestines. 


If your child missed out on receiving their immunisation at school, you can still book them in directly with the Kingston Council. You can book an appointment at any of the Kingston Council locations using this link: https://www.kingston.vic.gov.au/services/families-and-children/immunisation/book-an-immunisation?transfer=f00dfa3a-e757-43cc-8d62-7546efa50276 



This year’s camp will run from Monday 5th June to Wednesday 7th June at PGL Camp Rumbug in Foster North. Key details including medical forms and dietary requirements were provided to parents and students this week. Please ensure that you provide consent and payment on Compass and return the required forms as soon as possible to secure your child’s place. Please contact your child’s YLC if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming camp.



As you may be aware, the Victorian Government provides a Camps, Sports, and Excursion Fund (CSEF) to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps, and sporting activities. For secondary students, this amount is $225. The cut-off date to apply for this funding in 2023 is June 23rd.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families.


For more information or to complete an application form, please speak to your child’s YLC or the front office.



Year 10 students should be finalising their Work Experience placements in preparation for their Work Experience week from Monday 19th June until Friday 23rd June. Students need to return their completed ‘Work Experience Arrangement Form’ to secure their place. Next term, they will complete their OHS modules to ensure they can follow safety procedures in the workplace.



On Tuesday April 4, all Year 9 and 10 students participated in workshops designed to highlight the importance of checking in with our mental and physical wellbeing. Students completed a range of sessions to improve their resilience, communication, and confidence, as well as workshops to further develop their emotional and social skills. We would like to thank our wonderful Wellbeing Team for their involvement, as well as the presenters from The Butterfly Foundation, ManCave, Yogamigos, and St Kilda AFLW players Hannah Priest and Georgia Patrikios. 



On Wednesday 29th March, all Year 9 students completed a career profile to identify their strengths and possible career pathways. The profiling questions match students with potential jobs based on their abilities, interests, and personality profile. Students will meet with a career consultant in Week 1 of Term 2 to discuss their results and their potential careers.



This term we asked our Middle School teachers 'What is your favourite thing about Westall Secondary College? '


The people! The students and staff are what makes coming to work day to day so enjoyable at Westall - Ms Kerwick


My favourite thing about Westall is the community atmosphere - everyone is always willing to jump in and help out! - Ms Collins


I am thankful for how everyone is friendly and welcoming and make you feel that you belong in the team - Ms Nair


My favourite things about Westall are the lovely students and the sense of belonging - Mr Ji


My favourite thing about Westall is the people! Everyone always has a smile on their face 😊 – Ms Moore


My favourite thing about Westall is the fact that everyone knows everyone-- it's such a closeknit community! – Ms Bao



Below is a snapshot of what is happening in our Middle School classrooms.


Ms Michelle Collins

Director of Learning - Middle School

Year 10 Global Literacy

In the year 10 Global Literacy class, students are learning about WWII and sources analysis. On week 6, students did an activity about making posters to announce that WWII started. To be specific, students represented different newspaper publishers and drew and reported in their newspapers about how WWII started in Europe and Asia. Moreover, they looked deep into the start of WWII and used their newspaper design techniques to demonstrate their ideas about making the newspaper as well as reporting the issues. 


Students did the poster activity in groups and the class was highly engaged in the drawing and reporting work. Collaborative learning is illustrated in this activity through sharing their roles in making the newspaper poster. They started making the newspaper by the titles and subtitles, ending up with signing their names on their news reports which were very satisfying. 


Excellent job, everyone!


Mr Jeffrey Ji

Year 10 GLT Teacher