Other School News

Icreate - Landscape, Architecture and Design
The students in Landscape, Architecture and Design have been working on a range of indoor and outdoor projects. The projects have been developing ideas based on refurbishing and beautifying the school grounds and interior spaces. Some of the projects include interactive spaces where students can use for leisure activities. Mural wall art projects are created to simply beautify and admire by the wider school audience. The students have been working solidly to develop, document and execute ideas using digital platforms, hard copy brainstorms and mind maps, dioramas and models.
Project gallery below - works in progress.
Ms Helen Ifandis
Year 11 & Arts/Technology Coordinator
Inspire Robotics’ Dragster Program
Students from iCreate coding and aviation/STEM have been actively participating in a 5 week program called “Dragster” from Inspire Robotics. Each week, there was a task/challenge and theory to complete. It started with students working collaboratively to compete in an egg drop challenge, build a cardboard airplane, use chemical reactions to boost the speed to then finally creating the dragster!
Mr James Graewolfe, Mr Dean Goulimi, Mrs Reia Grey, Mr Ralph Richardson
Icreate Coding & Icreate Aviation
Harmony Day at Westall
Our Westall Community gathered Thursday 23rd of March to celebrate our cultural diversity.
Thank you to Westall Community for your participation, patience and support on Harmony Day. Many months of planning and rehearsing came together for a great morning of cultural performances. Thank you to the Harmony Day committee led by our School Captains and SRC for their hard work. The biggest THANK YOU to staff members Mr Phan and Mr Matei for all their tech magic and advice – it sounded loud and awesome!
Thank you also to our other awesome staff Mr Tugiono, Mr Murray, Mr Ball, Mr Ahmad and Mr Tran for your help in setting up the Arena. Thank you to Mr Richardson for our fun-tastic Insta frames. Thank you to Ms Bao for supporting Harmony Day and opening the Breakfast Club to feed the hungry students on Thursday morning. Also, thank you to all staff for your patience and support during the delay, as Melbourne put on a rain show too.
Harmony Day is extraordinary and thank you everyone for supporting and joining our students in celebrating our cultural diversity.
Ms Kristina Vasilakis
Student Leadership Coordinator
Systems Engineering Grand Prix Excursion
On Friday the 31st of March, our Systems Engineering students, together with the students from years 9 and 10 electives of Physics, Chemistry and Electronics, were invited with other schools from across the state to spend the day at the 2023 Melbourne Grand Prix.
We travelled together by train from Westall to Southern Cross Station. A free shuttle tram to the Grand Prix at Albert Park was available just outside of the train station. Unfortunately, we were soon to discover that the queue for the tram snaked its way hundreds of meters down Collins St. Luckily trams were leaving every minute or two, so the overall wait time was not that bad.
This year the Grand prix site housed a great many STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) display and activities aimed at inspiring school students to enter careers in these fields. Although we had to register the school for the event, entry to the site was completely free for staff and students.
Upon entering the site, the students were free to investigate all the great STEM displays and activities, of course we also all took the opportunity to go track side and watch some of the racing action. Earlier in the day there were historic racing cars taking to the track and in the afternoon was the F1 qualifying. Being there, up close, in person, when they flash by in a split second, one can really appreciate quite how fast and loud these exciting cars are. Personally, I look forward to the day that they are all powered by advanced and efficient electric motors, the future is on the way!
Throughout the day it was fantastic to see all the students engaging with various activities. It was great to see some of our year 10 girls launching model rockets at one of the many science stands. All of the students clearly enjoyed the day very much, their behaviour and enthusiasm being something the school can be enormously proud of.
Some of the best display on the day were put on by the Australian Defence Force who were showing of many of their hi-tech gadgets. I was especially impressed with prominence of the the many drones on display. From tiny spy drones that easily fit in the hand to light aircraft sized autonomous surveillance models. The Airforce also had drones of their own, FPV (First Person Video) Racing Drone League, which as a growing sport around the world, they take part in as a purely recreational activity.
Thanks to Ms Jenny Phillips and Mr Dean Goulimis who accompanied the students and whose navigation skill ensured we all had an amazing day.
Mr Ralph Richardson
Physics & Systems Engineering Teacher