Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
Student Wardrobe
Thank you for your support for decision to only allow students to wear the winter parka with their PE uniform; a positive consequence of this change has been an obvious increase in students looking well-dressed with their blazers on. Please note that students are now permitted to choose whether to wear summer or winter wardrobe, depending on the weather conditions.
Reception hours
Please note that the College Reception and Accounts Office opening hours are now 8.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday. During school holiday periods, opening hours are 9.00am to 4.00pm.
Students arriving late or leaving early
Students arriving late to school must sign in at the electronic terminal at main Reception (Years Prep to 9) or at senior school (Years 10 to 12). Prep to Year 9 students signing out early must have their parent present, but Years 10 to 12 may do so independently. Every sign-out creates a confirmation email to parents.
Lost property
Lots of student clothing is brought to the First Aid room; unfortunately, much of it is un-named so cannot be returned via homerooms to the owner. If personal property is named it can be returned; if un-named and unclaimed it will be donated to the Parents and Friends for re-sale.