Sustainability and Agriculture

Sustainability and Agriculture - Year 9 Service Projects and Wonder Recycling Rewards for Schools Program
This semester, Year 9 students have been carrying out Service Projects within the school as part of the Year 9 curriculum. Some student groups have been involved in projects that have a sustainability focus.
Cuttings for Revegetation of Brodies Creek
One Service project team has been taking cuttings of saltbush and correa plants for the revegetation of Brodies Creek. These plants are medium sized shrubs and are good for erosion control, add to habitat of the school and help improve water quality of the creek.
Wildlife Corridor - Pond
Another Service Project team has been cleaning and taking out the overgrown plants that cover the water in the pond in the Wildlife Corridor. These activities will allow more light into the pond, prevent weeds from overtaking the area and therefore allow the native plants to grow in and around the pond. It will also improve the water quality of the pond.
Wonder Recycling Rewards for Schools Program – Collect Bread and Wrap Bags
Over the Easter break and throughout Term 2 Aitken College will be participating in the Wonder Recycling Rewards for Schools Program. By participating in the program, the College community can help reduce the amount of soft plastic that goes into landfill and earn points that the school can redeem for sports equipment which will be placed in classrooms for students to use during recess and lunchtimes.
How it works
1. Collect your bread and wrap bags at home. (Bread bags should be free from crumbs to avoid contamination in the recycling process).
Tip – use one empty bread bag to collect a bunch of other bags.
2. Bring them to school and place them in the bread bag collection box. Collection boxes will be located in the CPA foyer, Cumberland, Fairview, CR1 and Staffroom. Collections of bread bags close 7 July.
Mr Dwayne Ganci
Sustainability Coordinator