Performing Arts

Musical Camp
Students and staff from this year’s musical gave up three days of their holidays to attend camp and rehearse “Shrek The Musical”. The Musical Camp allowed the cast the chance to workshop their acting skills with a professional actor and refine ensemble work with the choreographer. It was also the first opportunity for the cast and band to come together and sing through the show. Returning tired but energized, the cast and band were grateful to have had the opportunity to make some new friendships, hone their stage skills, build their performance confidence and refine their acting, singing and playing skills. If the energy and enthusiasm is any indication, we are in for a great show!
VCE Theatre Studies Play- Creche and Burn
Our Year 12 class is gearing up to perform their Unit 3 Theatre Studies assessment, the play "Creche and Burn", written by Elise Greig and directed by Mr Michael Cooper. Set in the Little Acorns Childcare Centre, the action revs up as different parenting styles collide. In the midst is a newly trained childcare worker who, on her first day, holds the fort while other workers ring in sick and disasters unfold at each turn. It is sure to be a funny one! You can book your tickets here:
VCE Play Assistance
As this year’s play is set in a child care centre, the class are seeking some assistance with some prop and set pieces. In particular, we are seeking a baby change table, a collection of cloth nappies, some half used bags of disposable nappies (or even full bags), and extra-large, oversized toys, a small tricycle or anything else that would be found in a childcare centre. Please contact with pics and we can arrange collection, or drop into the CPA. Ideally, we would like things at the start of next week for rehearsals.
Ms Elise Zijai
Head of Performing Arts
Aitken Live
In its second year of production, Aitken Live is a concert that will showcase the school’s music ensembles in a night of diverse style and incredible music talent. The performance will feature all Aitken ensembles that include students from Prep to year 12 with surprise special guests for some added mystery. This year we are going to include a number of solo performers who will be asked to audition for a place in the concert.
The criteria for the solo acts are:
- Students MUST come in person to speak to Mr Brincat to discuss possible music they wish to perform.
- Students MUST be prepared to perform their choice of repertoire in front of the music staff for live audition ONLY.
- Students may use recorded backing or perform a capella as it suits them.
- Students MUST make contact by Friday 19 May, otherwise an audition will not be possible.
- The selection is not a first come, first served basis. Only candidates who have a practised and polished performance will be considered for show.
This year, the music students at Aitken have raised the bar and this is going to be a special night for all in our very own stadium spectacular! Looking forward to it.
Mr Victor Brincat
Music Coordinator