Chaplain's Corner

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." - Aristotle
Over the Easter season we share in the highs and lows of life. Whilst we all seek happiness, most of us accept that life will have its challenges and we will all experience significant loss at times. Mary (mother of Jesus) and the disciples had to experience watching Jesus unjustly die on a cross. We bear our own crosses and carry the grief that this generates and we too celebrate in the experiences of new life, like the birth of a child, a new pet or perhaps a wedding.
At our Easter celebration event, over 150 people gathered for a picnic and the children made Easter baskets. Before the sun set, the children the Easter Story and hunted for Easter eggs on the Dunhelen fields.
At our first chapel in Term 2, we took time to think about loss and grief and used Psalm 23 to remind us that God is our divine Shepherd, who never leaves us and will carry us in our times of need.
Monthly Parent Morning Tea
During Term 2, we will be holding morning tea monthly for parents. They will be at 8:30-9:15am in the CPA Foyer on 17 May and 14 June. Come along and meet other parents over a tea or coffee.
Community Event
On 10 May we have a community movie night which we invite you to join us at, please register at the listed try booking site below:
Rev. Gavin Blakemore