Principal's Report

Dear Parents,
Hopefully you all had a very lovely Mother's Day yesterday celebrating the hard work mums and others who care for us do every day of the year. I know the students looked super excited selecting Mother's Day gifts from our stall last week ready for the weekend.
Tomorrow night, you are all warmly invited to our Education Week Expo to be held here at school from 5 - 7pm. This year's Education Week theme from the Department is 'Active Learners: Move, Make and Motivate' and this is what you will witness when visiting the classrooms on this evening. The students and teachers have been finalising their classroom's events and activities for the night and I have no doubt they will be excited to share these with you.
There will be sausages, hamburgers and fruit drinks for sale on the night, including vegetarian, vegan and Halal options, as we know this is right around dinner time. So please come along and enjoy the evening with us all.
As mentioned in our last newsletter, following on from the expo night on May 16th is our enrolment Information Night to be held on May 31 for any families with children ready to start school next year. Please spread the word amongst family and friends so we have a very successful turn out of parents who come along and hear about our wonderful school.
With so many parents visiting our school, many of you will be keen to assist in classrooms which is great. As such, we will be holding three Parent Helper Induction courses which parents must compete prior to assisting in classrooms. One will be held from 9:30-10:30am, one from 2:30-3:30pm and one from 4:00 - 500pm. Please stay tuned for the date as we put the finishing touches on our induction.
After this date and induction, teachers will be sending out timetables of when they require assistance in classrooms. Parents who have completed the induction and invited to sign up and help out. If you are interested in attending one of the induction sessions, please contact the office to register. All parents who assist at school must also have a valid Working with Children Check a copy of which must be kept at the office.
If all that wasn't enough, this Thursday is our whole school athletics day where all of our students will be taking part in a day full of fun and competition. With Melbourne's fickle weather we would suggest parents pack their children a hat, sunscreen if our school sunscreen does not suit, and also a warm jumper and jacket. The canteen will be open on this day for snacks and lunch and parents are absolutely welcome on this day. In fact we need as many of you as possible to assist us in making this a smooth and successful day. Please come along.
Kind Regards,
Simon McGlade