SWPBS & Lunchtime Clubs

Lunchtime Clubs offers a broad range of extracurricular activities for interested students. Students have additional options this term with our Dancing club on Mondays and Fridays and Collectables club, also on Mondays. Our Collectables club has grown from our initial Pokémon club. We discovered that many students have different items that they enjoy collecting, and being able to share their favourite collections brings so much joy to the experience of 'collecting'.
Our menu of Term 2 Clubs includes:
- Board Games at the BER
- Library at the BER
- Games in the gym
- Collectables at the Hive
- Cartooning at the Hive
- Dancing at the Rotunda, and
- Gardening at the Orchard.
Here is our new timetable that is promoted in all classrooms from Prep to Grade 6.
SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOURS - Teaching and Learning in action!
After assembly each week, all grades engage in school-wide positive behaviour lessons. Grade 1s learnt about honesty in their Values lessons last week. Here are some snippets from their lesson, and students showing the expected behaviour 'Act with honesty 'on our school matrix. Thank you for your meaningful discussion and brief recounts about your experiences, grade 1s!