Unfortunately, since school has commenced, the Medical Centre is still seeing students produce positive Covid-19 tests daily. In order to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 amongst our students and staff, please read the below information:
- Stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations.
- Get tested - no matter how mild your child’s symptoms are (If your child develops symptoms, it is recommended that you keep them at home and test for COVID-19 with a RAT to limit the spread of infection)
- If your child tests positive for COVID-19, you should register your result online. This will help those more at risk of becoming seriously ill to access support, including anti-viral treatments which are most effective when taken within five days of symptoms first starting.
- Even if your child gets a negative COVID-19 test, keep them at home until they no longer show symptoms so they don’t infect other people.
- If the Medical Centre calls you advising you that your child has come to the Medical Centre with Covid symptoms, it is expected that you collect your child as soon as possible to help reduce the spread of illness amongst other students and staff.
Thank you, in advance, for your support.
Medical Centre Staff