News from Year 6

5/6 CAMP

Over the holidays Ms Bourke and Mrs Vranken visited the campsite at Phillip Island to see the facilities and some of the activities that will be undertaken for the 5/6 camp. It looks like it is going to be an amazing experience for all involved.  Just a reminder that camp is a compulsory event and is focused on building connections with others, stepping outside of your comfort zone and also trying new adventures!

Look out for camp information coming home next week via Operoo!

Back to Term 2

Already this term, the year 6 students have arrived at school ready to learn and demonstrate their leadership skills. At the end of Term 1, all students were presented with their leadership badges and are looking forward to organising events this term to demonstrate their leadership and organisation skills. We hope to have some pages dedicated to Leadership students and the events that they organise in the upcoming newsletters.


This week it was great to see students connecting with each other and engaging in conversations about holiday experiences.


In Maths this week, Year 6 students are already getting stuck into Fractions and understanding everything there is to know about equivalent fractions and adding fractions.