News from Three/Four

Welcome to Term 2


This term we are learning about sustainability in our new topic, 'The Blue Marble'.    We started by looking at pictures of the Earth from space where it looks like a blue marble. 

We will be learning about lifecycles, ecosystems and human impact on the environment.  We will be visiting a state or national park later in term.


In maths, we are learning about subtraction.  In these photos, children are playing a game where they roll a die and take away small mini blocks.  When they run out of minis they have to trade in one of their tens.  This hands-on experience will be helpful when they learn to 'trade' when doing written subtractions.



All children are expected to read every weeknight for homework for 15-20 minutes.  A new reading log has been sent home.  This log requires a parent signature at least once each week.  Children who have not been reading during the week will be requested to read for 15 minutes during one of their recesses on Fridays.  Children are also requested to practise their x4 tables each day so that they become fluent with these.  There is a link to a great resource for learning times tables on Google Classroom. Sometimes children will be asked to complete unfinished classwork at home.