

Musica Viva Walking With The Wilderness incursion

On Thursday 4th May, TPS students filed, rolled, sauntered and tiptoed into the Multipurpose Room for a performance put on by Musiva Viva called Walking With The Wilderness. The two musicians, Aawa and Thea, took us on a musical journey from Muligan’s Flat in Canberra to Cicadas in Perth to fungi in Victoria. Our students became trees, birds, the bush and cicadas in the sound habitat that was created. We learned about bird calls, different sizes of flute and that flowerpots can be instruments. A highlight for many students was Aawa’s bird calls!


Thoughts and feelings from Year 3/4s

“The performance was great. My favourite part was the Tic Tok Cicada.” - Persephone, 3/4A
“I felt inspired. I felt calm and surprised and sleepy. I thought about my culture, the Wemba Wemba people.” - Cowen, 3/4A
“I felt surprised and mesmerised and calm and happy. I thought about my culture and my Poppa. It was really good. I really, really, really, really liked it.” - Elijah, 3/4A
“I felt excited.” - Wandjarra, 3/4A
“It made me feel calm and relaxed but overall I loved it.” Harmony, 3/4A
“I thought that they were really talented and awesome. I felt calm.” - June, 3/4A
“I loved it! I liked how they played with so many instruments.” - Louie, 3/4A
“It was super good and exciting. I had soooooooooooooooooooo much fun.” - Leni, 3/4A
“Maybe we should walk outside so we don’t need a recording to make noises.” - Alan, 3/4A
“It was fun watching them and joining in with it. Every little sec that I was watching it I felt so many emotions.”
“It’s amazing that the performers can turn the bird sounds into music.”



To prepare for the performance, all classes explored the sound habitat we learn in at TPS using didirri (deep listening) to identify what natural and human-made sounds surround us at school and how we might imitate them. We also heard Richie Allan, an Australian multidisciplinary artist and Ngunnawal custodian, talk about the music that surrounds us every day from Mother Earth and about working with the Griffith Ensemble to compose one of the pieces. 




Since the incursion we have been making our own habitat soundscapes. 

P-2 have been making a soundscape to go with the book Waddle Giggle Gargle by Pamela Allen.

3/4s have been creating soundscape habitats.

5/6s have been notating soundscape habitats and using music technology to create a soundscape from samples.




Listen to these amazing soundscapes by our 3/4 students!


3/4A’s Beach Habitat Soundscape

3/4B’s Rainforest Habitat Soundscape

3/4C’s Rainforest Habitat Soundscape 

3/4S’ Swamp Habitat Soundscape