A Message from David

Thank you to everyone for your support of the special Caregivers barbeque last Friday. The weather was very kind which ensured there was a good turnout. Thank you to everyone who helped out with the barbeque, cake stall, plant stall, second-hand book stall and icy poles, and a special thanks to the TPS Social Committee for their organisation of this event.

In contrast to the beautiful late Autumn day last Friday, the weather for the working bee held on Saturday 6th May was miserable. Despite the wet weather we were able to achieve our aims in cleaning out the bike and garden storage sheds as well as some general garden maintenance. Thank you to the dedicated parents and carers who helped out on the day.


National Sorry Day and reconciliation week

National Sorry Day is Friday 26th May and marks the start of reconciliation week. The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023 is - Be a Voice for Generations - encouraging all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and play. National Sorry Day gives us the opportunity to acknowledge the injustices of the past and the strength of Stolen Generations survivors and to reflect on how we can all be part of the healing process.

Embedding reconciliation teaching and practice into the classroom, and fostering knowledge and pride in First Nation histories, cultures and contributions is a strong priority at TPS, a feature of our school identity and what makes our school unique. On Friday 26th May we will begin the day with a special whole school assembly, providing context and understanding for students, commencing at 9.15am.


Community forums

The focus of the forums this term will be on the school’s vision and values. This will involve reviewing the current vision and values and whether they reflect the school and where we want to be. 


The school’s current vision is:


To live respectfully and learn from Wurundjeri ways to care for Country. We promote curious and resilient learners who make a difference in our world. We are courageous and proud individuals who have high expectations for learning. (Nanggit Balit). We are “A creative and diverse community growing together”.


The Deadly values are:

  • Perseverance
  • Working together
  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Integrity


The forums will be held on the following dates/times:

  • Wednesday 24th May – 7.30pm
  • Friday 2nd June – 9am (please note the change of date – this was originally scheduled for Friday 26th May, however clashed with our Sorry Day assembly).