VCE News

Senior School Formal

On Friday 28th April, the Senior School Formal was held at Functions by the Bay in Frankston.  A fantastic night was held by all in attendance, with the dance floor and photo booth busy the entire night.  Super impressive were the amount of students that went above and beyond with their masks and outfits to adhere to the theme of Masquerade.  The following students were selected by teachers for awards on the night:


Best Dressed: Joyce Le & Min Min Kianram

Best Mask: Hannah Dimic, Lachlan Canepa & Nathan McWhinnie

Best Dancer: Luke Lindsay & Ebony Fuller


Well done to all attendees on their outstanding behaviour!  It was well and truly a night to remember for all!

VCE Mid-Year Exams

The Senior School Mid Year Exams will be taking place this year from Monday 5th until Friday 9th June.  A link to the schedule can be found here.  These exams are compulsory for all students completing a VCE subject.  VCE classes will not be running that week, and students are only required to attend school if they have an exam that day.  There will be rooms put aside for any students wishing to attend school to study however.  If any student has a clash between two subjects, they are to see Ms McRae who will be able to rearrange the times for them.  

ABCN (Australian Business and Community Network) Aspirations - Focus Program

Recently a group of ten Year 11 female students were  involved in a Leadership Program over three, two hour sessions. For the first session students were invited to the Commonwealth Bank in Docklands to partake in the program. For the first hour, the students worked in small groups working on a range of activities to develop their  leadership skills and confidence. The second hour students worked with female executives as mentors. The second and third session were conducted on line.

Athletics Carnival

Thursday 27th April saw the school travel all the way to the Ballam Park Athletics Track for the 2023 Athletics Carnival.  Despite the poor weather, students turned out in their droves to both participate and cheer on their peers in what was a fantastic day for all!  The results on the day were as follows:


Red - 810 points

Blue - 831 points

Green - 892 points

Gold - 986 points


Well done to everyone that attended on the day!  It was fantastic to see so many students participating!

Year 11 Holocaust Museum Visit

On Tuesday May 2nd the Year 11 History class visited the Holocaust Museum in Elsternwick as part of their unit on “Life under the Nazi Regime”. The Melbourne Holocaust Museum opened in 1984 and was created by Holocaust survivors who had emigrated to Australia after World War II.


The students were firstly introduced to the concepts of exclusion and persecution that were experienced by Jewish citizens of Germany and Poland in the 1930s including the Nuremberg Laws and Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda. The second part of the visit saw the students working in small groups, assisted by volunteers, to analyse a range of primary sources relating to the Jewish experience. Many of these artefacts had been hidden and smuggled out of Poland and Germany at significant risk to the survivors. They included letters, diaries, ration cards and extradition orders.


The last part of the visit was a Q&A session with Abe Goldberg, one of the original founders of the Museum. Abe is 98 years old, a survivor of the Lodz ghetto in Poland and of the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. To hear Abe speak, and engage with the students, was such a privilege. We were all captivated and enthralled by his amazing story.

VCE Media Top Screen Excursion

On Thursday 23rd April, the Year 11 and Year 12 Media classes caught the train into the city to attend the Season of Excellence: Top Screen Exhibition at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image in Federation Square.  Each year, the top twenty Year 12 Media Studies films from the previous year are selected to be shown at Top Screen, where they are exhibited to the general public.  Students were amazed at the professionalism of the films, commenting on the exhilarating acting, the fantastic cinematography and the spellbinding sound effects.  Fingers crossed that we will have some entrants from McClelland exhibited in 2024!

Year 12 TRAG Excursion 

The VCE and VCE VM student travelled to Mount Martha to watch a presentation from TRAG (Teenagers Road Accident Group). TRAG is an educational presentation that is designed to promote road safety and to end preventable road trauma for the next generation of young drivers. The students were respectful during the presentations and many reported that they were moved by the presenters. We hope that this will help students make better decisions on the road. 

Indigenous Voice Forum

On Monday 15th May, four of our Senior School Leaders Carla Azzopardi, Katika Coleman-Spinelli, Jonelle Somerville and Angus Archard attended a forum at the Frankston Arts Centre to discuss the upcoming Indigenous Voice to Parliament.  Hosted by Federal Member for Parliament Peta Murphy, the session involved students having the opportunity to ask questions regarding the upcoming referendum, as well as to provide their opinion on the proposal.  Each of our students performed admirably by volunteering to read aloud and by asking a number of questions to Peta.  The students look forward to building on the session through running a forum here at school over the coming months.


Staff Vs Student Competition

The teachers won in the latest Staff vs Students event, which was a handball competition held during the final week of Term One.  Despite some heroics from the Year 12s, it was the staff who ran away with the win.  Term Two will see the staff and students face off in Volleyball and a Debate, both of which are sure to go down to the wire!