Diary Notes


- Thursday 25th May: Years 3-6 Author Visit- Dianne Wolfer 

- Friday 26th May: National Sorry Day 

- Saturday 27th May- Saturday 3rd May: National Reconciliation Week

- Sunday 28th May: Pentecost Sunday

- Sunday 28th May: Working Bee 

- Monday 5th June: 2C Excursion- The Twits Production 

- Tuesday 6th June: 5/6K Ablaze Albury 

- Thursday 8th June: Lions Club Speeches School Level Competition 

#NEW - Thursday 8th June: BOOK CLUB DUE

- Friday 9th June 9:00 am: Learning Walk- Numeracy, Challenging Tasks

 #NEW - Sunday 18th June 9:00 am: Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist 

#NEW - Monday 19th June 2:15-3:15 pm: Learning Expo 

#NEW - Friday 23rd June: Last Day Term Two, 2:15 pm Finish