Where Adventures Begin

News from the Kindergarten

Kinder National Simultaneous Storytime

Wednesday 24 May at 11am was Simultaneous Storytime. 


National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual campaign that aims to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books. Now in its 23rd successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children’s book. The book this year was, "The Speedy Sloth" written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Heath McKenzie.

On Tuesday 23 May Rosella and Bluebird groups gathered together in the Piazza (our meeting place) to listen to the story together after rest time.

On Wednesday 24 May Koala and Possum groups joined together in the Piazza at exactly 11am to read "The Speedy Sloth".


Mrs Mason read this story to the children. Afterwards she talked about the different animals in the book and the importance of trying your best (even if you don't win!). 


We talked about many many children all over Australia reading this same story together! How amazing is that!


You can listen together too, using this link:



Wendy Mason 

Kindergarten Director

K3/4 Reptile and Australian Animal Incursion

As part of our exploration into the big and small creatures that God created, the Bluebirds and Rosellas had an incursion with Andrew Wegner. During this, they learnt about and interacted with real life Australian animals. 

The Rosella children’s favourite animal to meet was the green tree frog. Here’s what some of the Bluebird children had to say when asked about what their favourite part of the incursion was:

“Playing with lots of animals” – Oscar 

“Holding the lizard” – Ruben 

“The bugs” – Theo 

“I liked holding the snake” – Elsie 

“Holding the turtle” - Jack

Part of the focus of the Term Two program is identifying practical ways that children can take care of creation. This links in organically with our learning about the traditional custodians of the land, the Wurundjeri people. As the children handle and learn about animals, their knowledge of creation grows along with their appreciation of our Almighty God.


Michelle Hegarty

Kindergarten Teacher