Community Notices

Rental Needed
3 bedroom, close to MECS, room for little dog.
If you know of anything and can help - please contact
Beth Matthews
Another Rental Needed
Property Maintenance/care taking couple looking for a 1 or 2 bedroom cottage to rent on some property to bring their horses and 2 outside dogs along. Can help out with basic garden Maintenace, fixing fences, cutting wood, etc, etc.
Budget is $400 p/w. Must be out of current location by 21 July. Please call Cazza on
0402 082 551.
The Apple Man is coming every fortnight
Apples at Bargain Prices every fortnight.
The Apple Man will be coming tomorrow, Friday 9 June. Bulk new season apples and pears (5kg) are available for bargain prices.
Green or Brown Pears $12
Granny Smith Apples $15
Pink Lady $15
Jazz (sweet) Apples $18
Fuji Apples $18
Envy Apples $18
Please put the correct money in an envelope with your order written on the front, and hand it into the Main Office before 9am, Friday 9 June. Bags can be collected from the office after 2.30pm on Friday 9 June.