The Sports Desk

VCE Rally Day
On Monday 29 May, select Year 11 and 12 boys headed to the State Volleyball Centre to compete in the senior CSEN volleyball round robin tournament. We entered two teams, one Year 11 and one Year 12 and both played well. The Year 11 team had a great day, playing and winning all 11 of their games. After a few tight starts to games, the grand final for the Year 11 team ended up running over time as both MECS and Heritage were neck and neck with 22 points each. MECS came in with the win, ranking them 1st for division 2. The Year 12s played well within division 1, showing true sportsmanship.
As well, MECS took two teams of eager girls keen to have a day of Basketball across to the State Basketball Stadium. For a number of them, it would be their last MECS interschool Basketball day. Both teams had a tough first round, but the girls playing in Pool A quickly bounced back and wouldn't loose a game for the rest of the round robin, finishing their last round with a draw. The girls in Pool B gave consistently and played to the best of their ability, improving with each game as they got better at working together and defending as a team. The day finished with a finals round where the MECS team in Pool A who had finished third defeated the third placed team in Pool B, ending with another win. It was a great day of sportsmanship, and wonderful to see both experienced and first-time Basketballers involved. We look forward to the final VCE rally day in Term 3.
Ellie Davis
Sports Intern
Secondary Tribal Cross Country Colour Run
On Thursday 25 May, the Secondary School had their Cross Country event. This was a great day! We had a jumping castle and a sausage sizzle in amongst the races and colour run powder. With gloomy skies we waited with bated breath to see when the the rain would start. Fortunately the rain only affected the last two races but this did not stop the students running and pushing themselves as much as they could. To finish off a day of success, students all celebrated with one another, as both Athletics and Cross Country medals were given out and the tribal winners were announced. Wirri took the win!
Here is a video of the event
Ellie Davis
Sports Intern
Secondary Athletics
Here is the video from the Secondary Athletics for your enjoyment.