




FMMandyLenny NDo your bestFor your amazing growth in Literacy. Dee and I have both noticed how you sound out every single sound and blend them together. Amazing work!
1/2ARiaane and NatalieHeidi EDo your bestYou have done a fabulous job learning the four types of sentences. I loved your examples of each. Well done!
1/2EErinSaffronDo your BestI have been so impressed by your eagerness to learn and improve. You did such a great job writing the 4 types of sentences. I am so proud of you Saffi!
3/4SScott & BrettRhys Do your bestFor your awesome effort in achieving your goals in all specialist classes this week- Way to go Rhys, keep it ! 
34BBecLilly MDo your bestFor your wonderful research and independent learning on our Hermit Crab Class Pet! You consistently ‘Do your best’ with your classwork, having a great mindset for learning. Great job, keep it up!
5/6DDanielWadeDo your bestYou have worked really hard on the concept of fractions and done an awesome job tackling activities.
5/6SSonyaMarli BPersistenceFor showing persistence when tackling fractions. Your understanding of fractions has increased as you strive to do your best with tasks.
STEMKylieFletcher KDo your Best

I have been impressed with how much progress you are making in Term 2 Fletcher. You have been a great listener this term and have demonstrated your potential. Well done!


Performing ArtsKylieHeath HDo your BestYou have shown that you work well in a group, listening to others and making the most of the time given. I have liked seeing your ideas come to life in Performing Arts. Great job!
Visual ArtsAshleaMatilda MDo you bestWell done Matilda for always working hard to do your very best work. Your artwork is fantastic and your positive attitude towards your work makes everyone around you strive to do better. 
Plot to PotRosieAda MDo your bestGreat work coming up with our mystery smoothie ingredient. Mint was a great idea and really complimented our ingredients. Well done.
Plot to PotKelly / ScottJono MHelping others succeedThank you for being so helpful during the potting up of the plants. We really appreciate you taking the time to explain to others and show how it was done. 
AUSLANJanakiErin EDo your bestFor doing an excellent job participating in activities today.