Principal Update

Thursday 11 May


We have plenty of activities to look forward to in the next couple of weeks so I encourage everyone to check the calendars for upcoming dates


Education Week open times to see the school in action

Education Week is being acknowledged from Monday 15 May to Friday 19 May.

This year we are welcoming all our families to come along to see our classes in action at the following times.   It will also be a chance for any new families wanting to come for a school tour as well.

  • Tuesday 16 May 9am - 10am Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms 
  • Wednesday 17 May 9am - 10am Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 classrooms 


On Thursday 18 May we will be hosting a Family Maths afternoon/evening from 3:30pm to 6pm.  We will encourage families to explore the different areas of the school and enjoy some maths activities together.    

We will conclude the evening with a choir performance at 6pm in the hall and some raffle prizes will be drawn for completed passports that will be distributed on the day.


Parenting in the digital world

We have signed up for our community to have the chance to join an online webinar run by the eSmart team through the Alannah and Madeline Foundation.  It will be on Monday 22 May from 7:30pm – 8:15pm.  We will provide you with a link beforehand to be able to access this event.


Cross Country

Tomorrow morning, we will be running our school cross country.  Students will run our ‘Marathon Club’ track.  We will have 3 staggered runs starting with our F-2 students, then our 3/4s and 5/6s.  All students are encouraged to wear their house colours.


We will then nominate some students to represent MCPS at next Wednesday’s EDEC Cross Country event.


Mother’s Day

Today we held our Mother’s Day stall and need to acknowledge the efforts of Melissa Eagleton, Tash Soldatow, Belinda Pate, Laura Lane and Hayley Coviello for making this happen for our students. I hope our students make Sunday a very special one and show their appreciation and gratitude.


Year 6- Year 7 for 2024

Thanks to the families of Year 6 students who have returned their application forms for Year 7 placement for 2024.  These are due tomorrow.  Please contact Daniel, Sonya or Kate in the office if you have any queries.



We do have Assembly tomorrow at 2:45pm.