What's Happening

School Photo Day Information 

Midland Photography will be conducting our school photos next Friday, 26 May.


Please note, families requiring sibling photos may arrive to the School Library at 8:15am to have these taken, before the individual and classroom photos throughout the morning.


The photographers schedule will be:

  • Siblings
  • S
  • Years 1, 2 and 3
  • Pre-Primary
  • Years 4, 5 and 6
  • Siblings (For those who were unable to attend the earlier session)

The new and improved Connect Now app is here!


The new and improved Connect Now app is now available! The Connect team listened to you and have improved the app.


·         It has been made it easier than ever to use, and you will now stay logged in until you log out.

·         All your school info is now available in one single app, with quick access to notices, learning content, and calendar events.

·         Check your children’s end of semester reports, notices from the school and upcoming events all from your mobile device.


The new features can be accessed by updating to the latest version of Connect Now or if, you don’t have it yet, download it from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.


We have attached the Step-by-step parent guide but you can also access it using this link:



Found early, over 90% of skin cancers can be treated successfully. Check your skin regularly and if you notice any unusual changes see your doctor.

This term we challenge you to crunch the rainbow for Crunch&Sip® by making a rainbow in your classroom. Eating different coloured fruits and vegetables provides lots of different vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Which is why crunching on a rainbow will help kids get the right balance of nutrients they need for a healthy body.