Catholic Identity

Reflection by Fr Michael Tate

Painting the Picture of God


When he was crucified Jesus uttered: ‘It is finished.’ What had finished? His earthly ministry during which he painted a picture of the most intimate communion between Himself, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, so intimate that the Church needed a new word: ‘Tri-Unity’ or ‘Trinity’ for short.


God is pulsating, shimmering light, dancing in threefold exchange of love, each being simultaneously poured into the other. God is ‘Being-In-Love’ and love is always relational.


‘You are made in the image and likeness of God’? Because of the ministry of Jesus Christ, we know what that really means. We are made to live in relationship – not in solitary.


If we think that the ultimate good is to be self-sufficient/autonomous, that leads to a hellish existence. When we live with as much self-giving as is possible, we are on the way to a heavenly existence.


We could pause for a moment to give thanks for the revelation of the nature of God, and consequently of the true nature of human beings.


- Elizabeth Holligan, Religious Education Leader