Education Perfect Global Languages championship 2023 

Bagus sekali to all students who participated in the recent EP global Languages competition and answered hundreds of listening, reading and writing Indonesian and German questions. Congratulations to the following students for doing very well and achieving amazing awards! 


  • Gold Awards : Andriana S, Y8 for Indonesian and Cohen C, Y9 for German 
  • Silver Awards: Monica K, Y8 and Nichola S, Y8 for Indonesian 
  • Bronze Awards: Oliver A, Y8 and Tahnee M, Y7 for Indonesian Credit Awards: Riley C, Y10 and John N, Y8 for Indonesian 

These students will receive their awards from the EP organisers. 


Student feedback: 

“I learnt the language while having so much fun. I’m looking forward to doing this again next year”, Kara, Y7 


This competition is amazing, and I learnt so many new words. I enjoy speaking in Indonesian with my teacher”, Tyler V, Y7. 


Participating in this competition made me more interested and confident speaking in Indonesian. It is great to compete with other students”, Tilli M, Y7. 


“I studied Indonesian in the primary school, but I have learnt so much more this year. I enjoy learning Indonesian and find it easy’, Roman, Y7 

Student Teaching Visit to Marlborough and Bayswater North Primary Schools 

On 23rd March and 4th April, our VCE Indonesian students taught Indonesian language and culture to the primary school students at Marlborough PS and Bayswater North PS. Our students were invited to work with the primary school students to consolidate their Indonesian and demonstrate Year 7 literacy standards. 


Some student feedback: 

“In groups, we prepared and taught Indonesian folk stories using wayang kulit puppetry and songs played on the Angklungs. It was an amazing experience for us and the primary school students”, Emily M and Stephanie M, Y11. 


“I enjoy going back to my old school and teaching Indonesian to the students there. It was so much fun!”, James T and Tom E, Y11. 


“Working with the primary school students has inspired me to be a teacher one day”, Alyssa D, Y12. 

Our students demonstrated high calibre and confidence in their Indonesian skills as they engaged the primary school students in their learning. These visits also foster closer collaboration between primary and high school students, including enabling smooth transition from primary to secondary schools. 



Prema Devathas

Indonesian teacher                                                                                                                       

Languages Curriculum Area Leader