
Food, Textiles, Agriculture and Health

Year 9/10 Café Culture

Over the last two weeks, Café Culture students have been enjoying making some sweet café treats. Students mastered the skill of making café quality Yo-Yo biscuits and experimented with a range of different coloured icing for the filling. All the biscuits were consistent in size, shape and form and students thoroughly enjoyed these with a hot chocolate. With an abundance of lemons in the garden, students took advantage of this and made lemon curd to fill their home-made pastry tart cases. It was pleasing to see students show perseverance and resilience when making their pastry. This week students have participated in a Food Handlers and Espresso Coffee Course and have immersed themselves in learning how to be a barista! A full report will be in the next edition of Whytalla.


Year F/1 Technology – Foods

Students in Foundation and One have been learning about how to fill and fold pastry to make hand apple pies. Students used wonton wrappers to fill with apple that had been stewed and then folded and sealed their hand apple pie. After they watched their hand apple pie cook on the sandwich press until they were golden brown. Students enjoyed the sweet taste of their pies.

Year 2/3/4 Technology – Foods

Over the last two weeks students have displayed exceptional skills in Technology – Foods. Students have made Flying Saucer sandwiches, Cucumber Caterpillars and Crispy Wonton Quesadillas. It has been wonderful to see the student use their amazing food preparation skills including slicing, mixing and spreading skills in the kitchen.

Year 5/6 Technology – Textiles

The Year 5/6 students are to be congratulated on the very thoughtful gifts they stitched with love for Mother’s Day. Students made lavender filled hearts and packaged them beautifully to give their Mum’s for Mother’s Day.

Year 8 Technology – Textiles

Students successfully cut out their Boxer Shorts and have been able to begin to stitch their Boxer Shorts together. They have been investigating Peter Alexander and identifying how Peter Alexander evolved. Students will use this information to generate their own design ideas for a pyjama range for the teenage market. Students are creating their Mood Boards to inspire them for their swing tag which will be attached to their Boxer Shorts.

Mrs Annabel Hawkins 

Technology – Food and Textiles