Physical Education

Cross Country
Cross Country was a great success! Both our primary and secondary students made the most of our small window of sunshine for the day and ran the course with their best effort. Our secondary students were a wonderful support for the Foundation and Grade One students who ran their lap of the oval, some for the first time. Students who ran, gave every effort to complete the race as fast as they could whilst others walking encouraged their peers along the way. A huge thank you to the staff who assisted with running the day!
8yo: Zoe Hartas, Mullagh
9 Boys & Girls: Eliza Smith, Wallace
10 Boys & Girls: Caleb Henderson, Mullagh
11 Boys & Girls: Adelle Joubert, Mullagh
12 Boys & Girls: Ayla Domaschenz, Wallace
13 Boys & Girls: Marcus McIntyre, Wallace
14 Boys & Girls: Oscar Dunstan, Mullagh
15 Boys & Girls: Izzy Payne, Mullagh
16 Boys & Girls: Buzz Brennan, Wallace
17 Boys & Girls: Josh Perks, Mullagh
18-20 Boys & Girls: Jaali Brennan, Wallace
Congratulations to Mullagh on 89 points
from Wallace on 78 points
Little Desert Athletics
We had a small team for Little Desert Athletics in Nhill, but a team of talented athletes for sure! They were all successful in at least one of their events, some pushing themselves in less familiar ones on the day. Our students were exemplary with their behaviour and sportsmanship on the day, within out school and with other schools and staff. Our intermediate girls relay team was a standout performance of the day and I congratulate the girls for giving every effort for the team to place first!
Miss Morgan Coventry
Kowree Cross Country
The Year 3-6 students participated in the Kowree cross-country at Balmoral on the April 27. We were able to share a bus with St Malachy’s and also competed against Apsley, Goroke and Balmoral. The emphasis on the day was fun and participation and all of our students showed great encouragement to their friends and also to the other competitors. The course was set out by Mr Brennan which started on the football oval then led into the bush and along the old railway line. Although there had been rain the night before, the weather held off and was a perfect temperature for running in. Our students need to be commended on their behaviour during the day but the ultimate champions were Balmoral. We then came back to the stadium and Miss Hinge organised a huge came of ‘kick rounders’, which was great fun.