Student Leadership

IDAHOBIT day is when LGBTQIA+ feel accepted for who they are. The school wants to help them feel accepted. Last Wednesday we dressed up in as much rainbow as we could
because the rainbow represents LGBTQ+ people. At lunch time we also did face painting and colouring in. At assembly we had two student leaders Em and Bridie educate the whole school about things like how much discrimination against lgbt+ there is and how it affects them. I think it's important because it is safe and welcome. I made a poster and on it were pictures and I wrote why its important and no matter who you are you always feel
welcome so I wanted to encourage lgbtq+ people to be who they are. 58% of lgbtq+ were treated unfairly also 36% get excluded and 33% get made fun of. Being an ally is helping people to be lgbtq+ inclusive, you can be an ally by making sure you stand for whats right, by wearing the rainbow flag and trying to understand them.
One lgbtq person is AJ Clementine who is a model and content creator who shares her trans experience online, she says being an ally is simply treating people how they want to be treated.
By Ivy