Year 7 News


Arriving at The Summit Camp with gloomy skies, the students were eager to get into the first of ten activities for their camp. Tribe names were formed and were no longer known as tribe 1, 2 etc. - Welcome to Camp 1 tribes; Yeah the boys, Badges, Reidy’s Eshay’s, 14 Funky Potatoes and Karingal Stone Cats and Camp 2; Chisels, Plastics, Mickey Mouse Club House, Cool Nickels Club and the Potatoes.

The Caving challenge had tribe members go underground to find their way through the cave to a bunk room, the thought of going into the unknown was the challenge for this activity. Rockwall and Tash’s Ladder saw student embrace their first high activity either scaling a Rock Wall of their choice or the Ladder that extended towards the sky. There was so much bravery and support around this tower for the entire five rotations of activities. Scavenger Hunt and Bush Challenge were the first of the tribe challenge where the tribe with the fastest time (Bush challenge) or the most points won.

For the second half of camp activities, there were three high activities, all with different challenges. Giant Swing was all about releasing that fear as your tribe member helped you get to the height you wanted to. Leap of Faith was the activity that took mental strength to leap off the platform for either the bar or stepping off. Summit Window was the highest of all the activities with a height of around 25m. This saw students take in the view from the top of the big tower and lean back to let go of everything while being encouraged to take their hands off. Snake and Nails was a challenge to over-come fear, by touching a snake or walking across the bed of nails. Monster Course was the last of the tribe challenges (see before and after photos). Every tribe improved their times from their first lap to their second. Well done to all tribes!

To finish off camp each tribe voted for a member who lived by the five keys of camp, Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable and Not leaving Camp wondering What If. Congratulations to Camp 1 students; Mia, Tahlia, Callum, Emma, Enend and Taylon and Camp 2; Steph, Lochlan, Min Min, Riley and Flic. Thank you everyone who came to the Summit making McClelland College proud of your achievements.

Camp 1 photos:

Camp 2 photos: