SRC Report

Introducing the 2018 SRC
After participating in a formal application process at the beginning of term, the following students have achieved a place on the GEC Student Representative Council for 2018.
Dips Thaker 11E
Sierra Danon 11B
Shruthi Sasi Kumar 11B
Ashleigh Harris 11A
Noa Kantor 11A
Louis Jacobe de Naurois 10C
Antoine Hobbs 10B
Adelin Zipman 10E
Chloe Guss 10D
Mikki Clemans 10B
Aimee Harris 9A
Jasmine Shaw 9B
Kate Stamp 8B
Jasmyn Roberts 8B
Mila Taczynski 8B
Jemma Willingham 7A
Rusha Shah 7C
Dana Gonshor 7F
We have reps for each year level from Year 7 to 11 and after our first meeting we have already identified a range of important issues that are of concern to the students at our school, from providing more student leadership opportunities to abolishing the use of straws in the canteen. One of the aims for this year is to raise the profile of the SRC and to engage more students with the opportunity to have a voice and be heard. Our first job is to create an SRC constitution and executive.
The team this year is full of energy, commitment and the desire to effect positive change.
Emma Schmidtke
Student Voice Coordinator