Library Corner

Welcome back to the Library for 2018! It’s pretty chaotic at the moment with renovations in full swing, but by the end of term 1 we will have a refreshed library space for everyone to enjoy.
We have enjoyed meeting all the new students at the college this year, and the Year 7 classes had a Library Orientation session during their English classes in the first few weeks. They listened attentively while we explained how to use the library and the great services we offer students, and then took off on a frenzied library treasure hunt. Congratulations to the winners in each class who worked hard for their prize!
The first Book Club meeting for the year was held in week two, and over 50 students came along to share the books they read in the holidays, and make reading recommendations to each other. We will continue to meet fortnightly on Wednesday lunchtimes, with two excursions later in the year to look forward to.
A group of 35 Library Monitors have volunteered to help in the library this year. There are dedicated students from all year levels involved, and we thank them for their enthusiasm and commitment to their school library. We are also happy to announce that we have appointed Shruthi Sasi Kumar (11B) as the Library Captain for 2018.
On the 15th February we celebrated Library Lovers’ Day with a “Speed Date a Book” event held in the library at lunchtime. There wasn’t an empty seat left as students tried to meet the book of their dreams. Every three minutes a whistle blew and it was time to move tables and try a different genre! At the end nearly every student borrowed a book. Don’t forget, your Book Matchmakers (the library staff) are available to help you find the perfect match all year long.
We have two new digital resources available through the library in 2018 - Encyclopaedia Britannica and an eBook library. Information on how to access these databases was emailed to all students, but if you have any questions please get in touch with the library staff.
Finally, this week we will host a VCE Forum for any senior students who would like an insight into the rejuvenated VCE Collection and other services available to them in the library. We work hard to make sure these students get the best possible support to be successful in their final years of school.
We hope everyone is settling into the new year, and wish you all a happy 2018 full of great books!
Karys McEwen
College Librarian
Megan Gatt
Library Technician