Legal Studies Excursion

Legal Studies Excursion to Marngoneet Correctional Centre
On Tuesday 13th February the Year 11 and 12 Legal Studies classes went on an excursion to Marngoneet Correctional Centre, a medium security prison in Lara. The purpose of the Schools Program is to provide a forum where students are able to further their knowledge of modern correctional issues.
The 36 students were greeted by the School Programme Officer on the bus and briefed about the formalities of entering a prison including being asked to empty all pockets (including leaving behind phones and watches) and to step through a metal scanner before entering an airlock room and then the prison grounds.
Students were escorted to the Visitor Centre after a brief overview of the various units and facilities within the prison grounds. The students were introduced to five prisoners who were serving sentences for crimes ranging from murder, manslaughter, drug trafficking and prohibited weapons, reckless driving causing serious injury and armed burglary. They were able to hear from the prisoners and ask questions. The prisoners told the students their history, explained some of the events of their crimes, their views on the criminal justice system, the effectiveness of imprisonment to meet its purpose such as to punish, protect and rehabilitate and the daily life for prisoners.
A de-brief was provided by the Corrections Officer who cautioned the students about the difference between sympathy and empathy. The students were told to focus on the fact that there are two sides to each story and to remember those people affected by the prisoners’ crimes, including the victims, their families, witnesses, the families of prisoners etc.
The students and staff who attended found the excursion to be an invaluable learning activity.
Melanie Mattsson
Head of Humanities