Senior School News

Welcome to 2018! The Senior School would like to welcome our new students, parents and guardians to our community. We look forward to working with you throughout 2018. Please ensure you keep the communication lines open and touch base with us.
We’d like to congratulate the following VCE students who form our leadership team for 2018.
School Captains: Ashley Szmerling and Morgan Edwards
Senior Vice Captains: Boris Pribil and Berenice Mickelburough
House Captains: Bhayne Lundgren, Ashleigh Harris, Sierra Danon, Anna Rowsell, Ana Garcia, Taylor Lowery, Nasia Mazi, Alanna Gray, Nick Brooks (pictured below at the GEC House Swimming Carnival)
Executive Committee: Morgan Edwards, Ashley Szmerling, Berenice Mickelburough, Boris Pribil, Jack Aaronfeld, Kali Appleby, Nicholas Brooks, Jia Jia Chow-Phillips, Andriane Demetriou, Eli Douek, Elouise Krelle, Ariella Karavanny, Sam McFarland, Barney Miller, Rivka Mitchell, Anna Rowsell, Eliza Sharpe, Ari Verrios
Student Voice: Shruthi Sasi Kumar, Ashleigh Harris, Sierra Danon, Noa Kantor
The Annual GEC Swimming Carnival was held on Monday 19th February with many students donning their house colours and supporting their fellow House members. It was fantastic to see so many Senior School students participating in the various events: swimming races, relay races, beach volleyball and novelty events. The House Captains did a fabulous job rallying the troops, in particular Green House, who had the best overall team spirit with their “Commando” theme.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Year 12 students for the smooth beginning of the school year. They have settled into the new VCE centre and it is a pleasure to see them working quietly and diligently during private study times. Even though the year has just begun, there are a a number of administrative procedures that need to be completed; the most important one being applying for VCAA Special Examination Arrangements. If your child has been given this document please note that it is due into the VCAA by Friday 2nd March 2018. If you have any queries regarding this matter or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me at the college on 95717838.
Save the Dates
Last day of year 12 classes - Monday 22nd October 2018
Celebration Day (Funfields) - Tuesday 23rd October 2018
SWOT VAC - Wednesday 24th October 2018 - Tuesday 30th October
The Year 11 Walk to Success is going well. It has been a great step forward in identifying how students have settled in to VCE, their concerns, focusing on organisation and communication with their teachers is key to their success. Also looking at introducing more of a student voice at Year 11 and gauging what events, assistance can best serve them.
We are awaiting official approval of Year 11 Ski camp. Once this is passed by council, information will be made available. This was an amazing experience for all involved last year so make sure you get involved.
Year 10 Peer Support Leaders have been facilitating the Year 7 team sessions each Friday for “Fun Friday”. They have been doing a marvellous job of making the transition period for the Year 7s a most welcoming and positive experience.
Congratulations to all Year 10 students who participated in the Interschool Sport competition last week. It was great to see so many students representing the college in a variety of sports.
Work Experience is just around the corner. This is a great opportunity for students to work in a field of their interest for the week. Students need to ensure they see me or Ms McCaskie if they have any issues or questions. Work Experience is held in week 11 of term 2.
Progress Reports will be available through XUNO. It’s important that parents, guardians and students sit down and look through the report together. It’s an ideal time to set goals, develop study routines at home and touch base with teachers if there are concerns. We are looking forward to seeing you at parent/teacher interviews in the coming weeks.
Senior School Team
Year 10 Coordinator: Brenton Hale
Year 11 Coordinator: Mary Maniatis
Year 12 Coordinator: Laura Brancatella
Senior School Leader: Keira McLean
Careers and Pathways Coordinator: Carol McCaskie
International Student Coordinator: Tara Fang