Junior School Highlights

Year 7: Participating from the Start!
The Year 7 leadership team would like to welcome all students and parents into the Glen Eira College community. The transition into secondary school can be a challenging experience for students and families. We are here to support each member of Year 7 to ensure you get the most out of your time at Glen Eira.
It has been an exciting first few weeks of school. The Year 7 students had the Elevate Seminar where they were able to work on their organisation and time management skills. The Swimming Carnival was the first extra-curricular event of the year, and the Year 7 students participated excellently. We look forward to students getting involved in the many extra-curricular activities on offer throughout the year.
We are also delighted to host the Year 7 Meet the Parents evening on Tuesday 27th February which will allow parents to learn about Xuno and Traits of Writing. This event will also give parents an opportunity to speak with our Year 7 teaching team and exchange contact details with other parents. We hope this will help facilitate our education community’s connection.
We look forward to Camp coming up in week 6, which is a great opportunity for the Year 7 students to continue to build on friendships that they have already started to form. Please do not hesitate to contact the Year 7 leadership team via phone or Xuno if you have any concerns regarding your child.
Bernie Coghlan and Delanka Peiris
Year 7 Coordinators
Year 8: Making GEC Better
Welcome back to all the Year 8 students at GEC, and welcome to the new students starting at the college in 2018. It has been a busy and refreshing start to the year. I am thrilled to have moved up as Year 8 coordinator with the cohort and look forward to continuing to support students in achieving success at the college.
With the building works nearing completion, the future of the school is beginning to take shape. The Year 8s were welcomed with new team rooms and classrooms on their return to school, and are making great use of the new science, cooking, and sporting facilities.
In Year 8 we have three representatives on the 2018 Student Representative Council- Mila Taczynski, Kate Stamp and Jasmyn Roberts. We congratulate the girls on their initiative and look forward to them having a voice in making GEC a better place.
The 2018 swimming sports carnival was an enjoyable and inclusive day, with lots of colour, music and fun. A large number of Year 8 students performed well in individual events, diving, and beach volleyball. All the best of luck to the students who will progress to the Beachside Division competition later in the term.
Daniel Mulligan
Year 8 Coordinator
Year 9: Achieving New Things
New and exciting things have been happening within our Year 9 cohort this term. I myself am new to the year level and bringing loud and positive vibes to an amazing group of students. The Year 9s have been getting involved with their Year 9 Program every Tuesday or Wednesday and in the coming weeks will be going out into the public using their minds to achieve new things.
The following Year 9 students have been successful in auditioning to be a part of this year’s school production:
· Ben Matthews
· Jasmine Shaw
· Liam Ben-Moyal
· Lottie Hudson
· Alannah De Jesus
· Aimee Harris
· Georgia Wood-Freeman
· Layla Carmeli-Wolski
· Chhavi Goel
· Marcus Georgiou
· Gabriella Voges
The shows for this year’s school production will be in week 2 of term 3 and we really hope you can come and support the Year 9s as well as all students involved.
We have some very exciting things coming up for the year level this year including a 5 day camp which will be running in week 3 of term 4. Please stay tuned and I look forward to keeping you updated. Watch this space.
Sarah Mortimer
Year 9 Coordinator
Junior School Captains' Address
We’ve had an excellent start to the school year so far, with several events having occurred, like the School Production auditions and school photos. We’ve welcomed several new teachers and even more new students into the GEC community. During the holidays, two new areas of the school building were opened, the VCE study area and the first floor corridor.
Ben Matthews
Junior School Captain
Our annual school production is going to be held on the second week of term two, led by Mrs Mortimer, Ms Baker-Goldsmith and Ms Wood. This is a very exciting time and we would like to congratulate the following students on getting main roles in the show:
Jasmine Shaw, Sophie Rowsell, Maani Baker, Niomi Adelman, Maayan Ashkar, Warne Hewett, Ben Matthews, Liam Ben-Moyal, Layla Carmeli-Wolski, Lottie Hudson, Keely Edwards and Harriet Rowsell.
Jenna Casamento
Junior School Captain
Even though school has just started there has been so much going on. With all of the new clubs starting it has been difficult to keep track. However, there are still way more fun things to come. Firstly we had the Swimming Carnival on the 19th February. This day is always one to look forward to with the awesome music and competitive spirit. Inter-school sports have also been making the headlines with our Year 11 and 12 softball team who played really well on the 13th February. The intermediate teams will be heading out later this term to play against other schools and hopefully go through to the next round. Lastly we have the Cross Country event which is fast approaching us on the last day of term. This is a really fun day where we get to socialise and exercise.
Aimee Harris
Vice Junior School Captain
On Monday 5th February we had our school photos. Throughout the day, each class was called away from their classes and lined up in height order outside of the PAC. They were then taken inside to take a group photo with their team teacher and year level coordinator. They then went through to take individual photos and then went back to class. During lunch and Period 6, siblings had the opportunity to go into the PAC and get their photos taken together. Overall, school photos were run smoothly and were a great success and we hope to receive them in the coming term.
Paul Palatsides
Vice Junior School Captain
Mathieu Givogue
Junior School Leader